Log Processing


Supported Logs

  • 操作审计日志

    Audit Shell Log

    Detailed workload Bash input log to meet the response of workload behavior, providing key information such as IP, terminal, user, and details.

  • 网络连接日志

    Network Connection Log

    Record the logs showing the workload connection, filter the meaningless Web access and ultra-short connection, and record the changes of the workload’s real network connection.

  • 登录日志

    Account & Login Log

    Provide all the log records including success, failure, logout, etc., and monitor changes of accounts and account groups, including additions, deletions, modifications, and changes of passwords and permissions.

  • 进程启动日志

    Process Start Log

    Recording the information of the system's new start process, including the start time of the process and the user, the parent process, the command line, etc. It also can record the start site of any process and replay the attack process.

  • DNS解析日志

    DNS Parsing Log

    Obtain the Web DNS parsing log and associate it with the workload. Through the relationship between the domain name and the workload, the analysis log from the Web perspective is provided for the Web intrusion detection.

  • 持续增加中…

    Continue to increase…

Products Characteristic

  • 1

    Self- developed SQL grammar, support cross-log flexible query, flexible and convenient

    Self-developed QSL grammar, using "field name + connector + query keyword" retrieval method, has strong expansibility and flexibility, can query data across the log, find data features and security clues.

  • 2

    Provide visibility tools to facilitate data analysis

    By default, it provides data time distribution analysis and supports the function of time drilling down, which can analyze data distribution in any period of time. It also supports common analysis functions such as total statistics and score statistics of any field in the log.

  • 3

    Accumulate a large number of security query scenarios to simplify the difficulty of use

    According to the characteristics of different logs, combined with security experience, the system provides a variety of log query angles, which can quickly find some data characteristics and facilitate further investigation. Query scenarios also allow customers to customize and facilitate secondary queries.

  • 4

    Various data output modes, adapting to mainstream analysis system

    The system provides a variety of security log output functions, including API, SYSLOG, CSV file export, etc. It can quickly integrate with other data analysis platforms of enterprises for correlation analysis or secondary development.